Saturday, October 1, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Jerry Brown, Governor of the formerly great state of California, today signed two significant pieces of legislation regarding sex cases.

One of them requires that a person convicted of the sexual assault of an unconscious person must be sentenced to at least three years as a guest of the people in state prison. This law came into being when Stanford jock Brock Turner was sentenced to 3 MONTHS in jail (which translates as about six weeks actually) after being convicted of the rape of a passed-out drunk woman near a Stanford frat party. It should be noted that the judge was also a Stanford alumni who has since voluntarily had himself moved to the civil bench from the criminal bench and who may be impeached.

The second bill, thanks to Bill Cosby, completely removes the statute of limitations on rape complaints in the formerly great state of California. Right now the only crime that has no statute of limitations in most states, including California, is murder.

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