Sunday, October 23, 2016


BarkGrowlBite | October 23, 2016

The damaging emails released by Wikileaks should have torpedoed the Hillary campaign to the same extent the pussygate video and those groping allegations have torpedoed the Trump campaign. But those damaging emails have been overshadowed by claims that the hacking was done by the Russians on orders of that evil Putin.

The FBI, the CIA, NSA and Homeland Security all say there is evidence the hacking originated in the Kremlin. Oh! Those are all government agencies and each is headed by an Obama appointee.

We know how trustworthy the FBI is when Director James Comey found Hillary guilty only of carelessness in her private email server scandal. And we know how trustworthy the CIA is at intelligence gathering when it was so sure that Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction, which he did not have. So why should we believe these agencies now, especially when Obama is fighting hard to keep Trump from getting elected?

Even if the Russians are behind the leaked emails … to quote Hillary … “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”

At this point, when Trump’s presidential campaign is barely treading water, those leaked emails could have been a lifeline. But by injecting the Russians into this controversy, the government, Hillary and the pro-Hillary media have very cleverly overshadowed those damaging emails and allowed the Hildebeast’s campaign to dodge a destructive torpedo.

The media onslaught against Trump continues with more sexual assault allegations, but what you hear mostly about Hillary’s emails is ‘the Russians did it.’

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