Tuesday, October 25, 2016


By Bob Walsh

God Knows Who (or maybe What). The polls are running anywhere from +1 for Trump to +11 for the Hildebeast. The "good" polls with an excellent track record and good procedures are running about 2-4% in favor of Hillary. There will, in my humble opinion, be a significant closet Trump vote. In addition most polls over-report on Democrats due to the way they are set-up and run. Further, at least according to the recent WickiLeaks dump, the Dems have a long track record of manipulating polling results and pressuring their allies in the media to over-report good results and ignore bad results in an effort to drive down Republican voters. After all, people like to vote for the winner and if they think the Hildebeast has it in the bag they may stay home. Or, if the Dems believe their own propaganda enough THEY might stay home. Such things have happened before.

I would be a lot happier if Trump could focus and quit distracting himself with crap like promising to sue the women who are allegedly slandering him. It's a personal problem. I don't care about it.

Hope clouds reason. I HOPE Trump can pull this off. Therefore I THINK he can pull it off. Maybe I am just whistling past the graveyard. Maybe not. Fortunately for me there are a few must-win Trump states in the east that will probably tell the story early. If Trump can carry Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Ohio there is a real good chance he can pull this off. If he looses in all of them, he is toast.

I will no doubt sit around the television with my lady-friend (who is a Hildebeast supporter, or at least a Trump hater), eating pizza and may very well be cursing at the television. It may not be fun, but it will be interesting.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Enjoy your pizza by eating early on election eve, Bob – before the results start coming in. I’m afraid a better title would have been TWO WEEKS UNTIL DOOMSDAY.

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