Sunday, November 6, 2016


Officer Matthew Luckhurs’ attempt to amuse himself at the expense of a helpless man may have ended his law enforcement career

BarkGrowlBite | November 6, 2016

Matthew Luckhurs, a five year veteran of the San Antonio police department, is now looking for another job, perhaps as a taxicab driver.

Poor Matt was the victim of a nasty rumor going around the cop shop. The rumor had him feeding a shitty sandwich, one filled with a juicy turd, to a homeless man last May. In July, disgusted with the story, several officers brought the rumor to the attention of Internal Affairs.

Matt apparently told a fellow cop that he had placed a turd between two pieces of bread, then put the sandwich in a Styrofoam container and placed it alongside a homeless man.

For the past year, Luckhurs has benn on the downtown bike patrol. On Thursday, Matt was looking for a new job.

Here us what SAPD Chief William McManus said:

“This was a vile and disgusting act that violates our guiding principles of ‘treating all with integrity, compassion, fairness and respect. The fact that his fellow officers were so disgusted with his actions that they reported him to Internal Affairs demonstrates that this type of behavior will never be tolerated. The action of this one former officer in no way reflects the actions of all the other good men and women who respectfully serve this community.”

Matt denies he ever did any such thing, claiming he was only joking. The alleged victim has not been identified nor has he been found.

Since there is no identifiable victim and there are no witnesses, Matt might get his job back upon appeal.

If he actually gave that turd burger to a homeless man, he obviously did it in an attempt to amuse himself. I know that police work can be very boring at times, but you cannot amuse yourself at the expense of a helpless victim.

Unfortunately, cops occasionally do amuse themselves in any number of ways at the expense of helpless persons. Often it's with a drunk who has just been busted. I know I’ve done it and so have most of the cops I know. But a turd burger? No way Jose!

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