Monday, November 21, 2016


Those who claim Hillary was hurt by lies spread through the social media are grasping for a scapegoat

BarkGrowlBite | November 21, 2016

Most of my friends are highly educated professionals. The colleges they attended did not have nonsensical programs like African-American Studies and Gender Studies. Nor did they offer courses on Beyonce and Miley Cyrus. In other words, my friends received a true college education and are very intelligent. Most of them are also politically conservative.

Sadly, those friends forwarded me hundreds of emails concerning President Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as a few concerning Donald Trump. The emails concerning Obama and Hillary showed them in a very bad light. The problem is that almost all of them were false. I refer to those lies as ‘Malicious Internet Mischief.’

The lies about Obama were started by Obama-haters somewhere way back in the blogosphere, finally making their way to me through my friends. Likewise with lies about Hillary.

There were also lies about Trump, such as the one about the Pope announcing his support for Trump.

One of my friends, a former fellow officer who retired as a high-ranking officer with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, sent me dozens of malicious internet mischief messages about Obama. When I pointed out that those messages were false, many of them obviously false, that did not stop him from forwarding the lies to me. A few times he responded by saying, “Well maybe it’s not true, but it sounds good.”

I’ve also had a couple of Houstonians, one a successful real estate broker and the other a transportation executive, forward me similar emails. Unlike my former colleague, the real estate broker eventually asked me to ‘Snope’ the emails so that he would not forward the lies to his contacts.

What would make intelligent people forward obvious lies. It’s because that’s what they wanted to hear about two people - Obama and Hillary - they did not like.

OK, so why didn’t the lies on Facebook and other social media outlets help do Hillary in? It’s because they were preaching to the choir. Those who got those lies and passed then on and on and on were the ones who opposed Hillary and hated Obama.

Those lies certainly did not influence Hillary’s supporters. As I’ve said before, if Hillary had burned a baby alive on TV, her supporters would have voted for her anyway. And those who had not made up their mind probably recognized the lies for what they were.

First FBI Director James Comey was blamed for Hillary’s loss. Now Facebook is being blamed. Neither did Hillary in. Blaming Comey and Facebook is just grasping for scapegoats.

Hillary did Hillary in. Her history of borderline crimes and chronic lies made her more untrustworthy than Trump.

While Hillary won the popular vote by more than a million, she lost in the key battleground states. Because Obama was not on the ballot, many blacks who voted in 2008 and 2012 did not bother to vote in this year’s election. And although Latinos voted in record numbers, they constituted only a small number of the voters. in the key battleground states.

Had Hillary been trustworthy, she would have won by a landslide in both the popular vote and in the electoral college, lies on social media and burning a baby alive on TV notwithstanding.

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