Thursday, April 12, 2018


by Bob Walsh

It is very interesting to watch what has been going on in D.C. recently. The congress is asking some actual solid, meaningful questions of Mark Zuckerberg, who seems genuinely contrite that he screwed the pooch. Of course he doesn't seem too contrite that he was a major help to Barack Obama's election, only that a data collector used his service to assist Donald Trump's election.

Bob Muller has engineered a rain on the office, home and rented space of Donald Trump's personal lawyer in what might turn out to be much ado about nothing and what might end up precipitating an honest-to-god constitutional crisis. Or not.

Congress is REALLY PISSED at the FBI for slow-dragging their legit information requests and may actually impeach the head of the FBI. (J. Edgar must be laughing his ass off right now wherever he is.)

The feds are, at least in theory, seriously looking at Hillary Clinton selling access to her office while Secretary of State in anticipation of her presidency. Whether they are REALLY doing so is another question.

Loretta Lynch and the former FBI Director are having a serious difference of opinion about what REALLY happened between them after the infamous tarmac meeting with Slick Willie.

Life is, at times, interesting, especially if you are watching and not directly involved.

EDITOR'S NOTE: J. Edgar is not laughing. He's bawling his dead head off over what has happened to his beloved FBI.

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