Friday, April 20, 2018


A giant among midgets, Barbara Bush is a role model for this nation’s First Ladies and her passing is America’s loss

by Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
April 20, 2018

Tributes praising Barbara Bush have been coming from all over the world. Those tributes are well deserved. She was a devoted wife, a loving mother, and her public life was outstanding and beyond reproach.

The passing of this wonderful lady has also showed us what is wrong with higher education in America. Our colleges and universities have become nests for America-hating professors who try to indoctrinate students rather than educate them. It is hard to imagine that a professor would sink so low as to tweet the most deplorable and hateful statements about Barbara Bush, but a professor at California State University at Fresno managed to do so.

Randa Jarrar, an Arab-American Muslim, is an English professor at Fresno State. She couldn’t wait to spew forth her hatred for Barbara Bush and the rest of the bush family, calling Mrs. Bush a witch, an amazing racist, and all the Bushes pieces of shit. Here is what this bitch tweeted on Tuesday:

“PSA: either you are against these pieces of shit and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. that’s actually how simple this is. I’m happy the witch is dead. can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million iraqis have. byyyeeeeeee.”

“Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. Fuck outta here with your nice words.”

Jarrar taunted her critics by tweeting that she was a tenured professor making $100,000 a year and “I will never be fired.”

Jarrar may indeed never be fired, but the bitch can be fired and she should be fired forthwith!

Marxist professors and other uber-left professors believe that freedom of speech and academic freedom protect them from getting fired and give them carte blanch to say whatever they want. Even many college administrators believe that. They are wrong, dead wrong!

The courts have ruled that freedom of speech has its limits and can have undesirable consequences.

I happen to be quite familiar with the “Principles of Academic Freedom” which were formulated by the American Association of University Professors and which are religiously adhered to by the nation’s colleges and universities. Like freedom of speech, these principles have red lines, that if crossed, allow the offending faculty member to be fired. Jarrar clearly crossed one of those red lines.

Fresno State’s president at first implied Jarrar would not be fired because she made her despicable remarks as a “private citizen” and that they did not reflect the views of the university. That doesn’t fly at all. Let’s take a police officer protected by civil service regulations as an example. If he were to make statements about Barbara Bush on social media like Jarrar did, he would be fired forthwith, civil service protections notwithstanding. Although he would have made those deplorable statements as a private citizen, he is still a representative of his police agency. And it’s the same with tenure.

Under a barrage of criticism, the president backtracked on Wednesday by telling the Sacramento Bee that “A professor with tenure does not have blanket protection to say and do what they wish. We are all held accountable for our actions.”

If Jarrar does not get fired, I don’t know what is more shameful ….. what she said about Barbara Bush and the Bush family, or the fact that Fresno State would not fire her.

As for the departed former First Lady, Barbara Bush was a role model for this nation’s First Ladies and a giant among midgets. Her passing is America’s loss. I join all those who have sent their condolences to the Bush family. And I pray to God that her passing will not further deteriorate the health of George H. W. Bush, her loving husband of 72 years.

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