Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Previously ‘David - beloved of God’ accused me of being “the most ignorant human being I’ve ever heard of”

April 10, 2018

Some of my articles have been published by Big Jolly Times, a Houston blogsite that caters to conservatives. My comments on Marijuana as the most dangerous drugs of all resulted in a number of responses, including one from ‘David – beloved of God. Who accused me of being “the most ignorant human being I’ve ever heard of.”

Grits for Breakfast is a blogsite by Scott Henson, a civil rights activist. Whenever Henson blogs about the police, he brings out a slew of cop-haters. I’ve tried to defend the police where they are defensible. Each time I did this, I’ve been excoriated by a bunch of jerks who believe cops are a bunch of thugs who enjoy killing people.

In a recent post, Henson extolled the virtues of a California legislative bill which if passed into law would put cops at great risk. The bill is entitled, “Police Accountability and Community Protection Act.” Among other remarks, I said an honest title would be the "Police Endangerment and Criminal Protection Act." As expected, I was again excoriated by Henson’s cop-haters. One comment stood out above the others. ‘TriggerMortis’ wrote:

“Any of you ever look through BGB's previous comments? You can tell he's miserable as hell. At a time when he should be enjoying what little is left of his life, he's instigating verbal battles with those whose views differ from his own. You can just imagine what he was like with power, authority, a gun and a badge. And now that he has none of those anymore and he's been reduced to an ordinary citizen, he trolls the web engaging in spats in which he uses bullying and intimidation tactics to make his point. What a sick, hateful individual he must truly have been his entire life.”

OK, it’s time for me to confess. I loved working nights which gave me the excuse of saying “I thought he was pointing a gun at me.” Every time before I left my home, I would look at the mirror and say,” I wonder how many people I can beat the shit out of or shoot tonight?”

I loved beating the shit out of people with my baton. Probably strummed at least a dozen heads every night. I preferred strumming the heads of white men because they are not as thick as those of blacks.

I was just itching to shoot someone, especially black men. I shot at least three people every month. Unfortunately my marksmanship was not always at its best because a few of those I shot were merely wounded.

I am most proud that I received my department’s prized ‘Killer Cop of the Year’ award four years in a row.

TriggerMortis is spot on. Now that retirement has reduced me to an ordinary citizen, I am miserable as hell because I can no longer strum heads with my beloved baton and can no longer shoot black men with my dear gun.

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