Thursday, April 12, 2018


The take over and destruction of America, whether it’s through unfettered illegal immigration changing America and destroying it or through an invasion by the military of another country

By Howie Katz

My article in Big Jolly Times about the deployment of the National Guard being much to do about nothing, didn’t sit well with a number of readers. One in particular, Janet Thomas made a passionate response to show that America is being mexicanized by illegal immigration.

Here is some of what Ms. Thomas wrote:

Howie, the trafficking of illegals and the dope smuggling do not constitute a clear and present danger to the United States????? The take over and destruction of America, whether it’s through unfettered illegal immigration changing America and destroying it or through an invasion by the military of another country. Invasion by another country would be a quicker destruction. Illegal immigration has been a slow insidious death of America for decades. LBJ overhauled the immigration laws in 1965 from ability based to chain migration based. In the late 1970’s the illegals were marching through the streets of major cities screaming “Reconquista!” and in 1986 Reagan gave 2.7 million illegal aliens amnesty and we’ve had seven amnesties since then.

Illegals are not just coming here for jobs, they are also coming here for all of the benefits we have to offer and their countries are glad to ship them here so they don’t have to take care of them and they will send billions a year back to the old country. As far as drugs, they’re not just coming to the U.S., Canada has an insatiable appetite for drugs and so does Europe. Do you know anyone who’s had a family member die from a drug overdose? That’s pretty destructive and drugs are destroying many cities and families in this country.

It’s also a national emergency to the families of the 50,000 American citizens and legal residents who have been murdered by illegal aliens since 1986 and the countless others who’s family members have been victims of rape, robbery, child sex crimes, extortion, identify theft, etc. Whether it’s a small number of illegal aliens who commit these crimes is irrelevant, it’s crime that’s been imported into this country.

Car accidents caused by illegal aliens is a daily occurrence, which is one of the reasons our insurance is so high in Harris County. We’ll never convince Howie of the horrors of illegal aliens and illegal immigration. A friend of mine had his son killed by an illegal alien. He was sitting at a stop light, the illegal shot through his side window and killed him. My friend never really gave any thought to illegal immigration until the death of his son. I hope Howie never has to go through something like that to understand.

Here is my reply:

Janet, your passionate comment has convinced me that I am wrong. Thanks to you, I now realize that illegal immigration does constitute a clear and present danger to the United States. But stationing a few thousand national guardsmen at the border does not go far enough.

President Trump should order our military to drop three or four of our most powerful nuclear bombs on Mexico. Of course the bombing should be done when there is a strong wind blowing out of the north. That way the radiation cloud will drift southward into Honduras and Guatemala, two other countries from which illegals are coming to the United States.

Since California is a sanctuary state, President Trump should immediately establish the requisite number of concentration camps in California that will hold the millions of men, women and children that are here illegally. Then the president should order our military to round up all the illegals and ship them off to the concentration camps.

The nuclear bombs and the concentration camps are the only way we can eliminate this clear and present danger to the United States.

So, there you have it. We can solve the destruction of America by destroying Mexico and by interning all illegal immigrants inn California.

It will probably cost us taxpayers less to maintain the concentration camps than it is now costing us in benefits paid to the illegals.

The only problem I see with my solution is that we can’t ship the illegals back to Mexico, Honduras or Guatemala. Maybe the Europeans who are always criticizing us will take them. Fat chance. Looks like we’ll be stuck with 11 million, or 20 million, or 30 million illegals no matter what we do.

Alas, Ms. Thomas did not take kindly to my solution. Here is what she wrote:

Howie, make all of the fun you want and be as snide and snarky as possible on this issue. Perhaps you would also laugh in the faces of the families who have lost loved ones to crimes perpetrated by illegal aliens in this country. I honestly pray that you will never be faced with the loss of a family member or a friend due to a crime committed by an illegal alien.

God bless America and thank you dear Lord for verbal warriors against the mexicanization of the United States like Janet Thomas.

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