Monday, March 28, 2016


Cruz appears to be clueless on the differences between the Muslim neighborhoods in Europe and those in the United States

BarkGrowlBite | March 28. 2016

“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.”

“For years, the West has tried to deny this enemy exists out of a combination of political correctness and fear. We can no longer afford either. Our European allies are now seeing what comes of a toxic mix of migrants who have been infiltrated by terrorists and isolated, radical Muslim neighborhoods.”

Thus spoke Cruz on March 22. Police need to “Patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods.” What a kooky response to the Islamist attacks on Brussels.

Cruz appears to be clueless on the differences between the Muslim neighborhoods in Europe and those in the United States.

The Muslim migrants of Europe have failed to become integrated with people in their host nation. As a result they live in self-imposed isolation. They are mostly poor and live in slummy neighborhoods. Most of them take the word of the Quran literally, and believe they themselves must implement the teaching of the Islamic holy book. That makes them prime candidates for jihadism. The young especially, many of them jobless, are drawn to the siren songs of fundamentalist imams.

In contrast, America’s Muslims are mostly middle class. They have integrated into American society, the hijab veil worn by Muslim women notwithstanding. Many American Muslims own their own businesses, including convenience stores and gas stations.

Many American Muslims are professionals. Almost all of my doctors are Muslims, and they are considered among the best physicians in the area.

America’s Muslims are less likely to become radicalized because they have achieved the American Dream. The overwhelming majority are not fundamentalists who take the writings of the Quran literally. They are hard-working loyal Americans.

Thus, having the police patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods would be counterproductive. It would produce an ‘us against them’ mentality that would enhance and exacerbate the radicalization of young Muslims.

However, there have been a number of Wahhabi mosques and madrassas established in this country by the Saudis. The imams of these mosques and madrasas preach hatred of the west and are responsible for most of our homegrown Islamic terrorists. Therefore it seems appropriate for the police to conduct surveillance of the Wahhabi schools and places of worship. That is what NYPD did both in New York and New Jersey before the newly elected Sandinista-loving Mayor Bill de Blasio put an end to this practice.

Cruz defended his proposal by pointing to NYPD’s “successful program” under then Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Wrong again. NYPD did not patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods, it merely conducted surveillance of Mosques known to be run by radical imams.

But guess what? Cruz did get Trump to finally agree with something ‘Lying Ted’ said. The Donald said he agreed with Cruz’s proposal to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods. A kooky idea supported by a kooky presidential candidate.

The tragedy of the Republican presidential campaign is that the longer it goes on, with Cruz and Trump wallowing in the sewer about their wives and coming forth with kooky pronouncements, the more certain it becomes that Hillary will be the next President of the United States.

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