Saturday, January 11, 2020


by Bob Walsh

There will be a pseudo-debate on Tuesday in Iowa, leading into the Iowa Caucuses. There are now six who will be on stage, and it could still grow. Crazy Bernie and Uncle Joe are running pretty even with Mayor Pete at just about 20% each. Warren is pulling down 16% and Klobuchar is still hanging in at 7%. In addition Tom Steyer, whose total platform consists of saying "TRUMP IS EVIL" over and over again, has managed to buy his way onto the stage.

The subject matter will, in theory, be The Economy. Since the DOW bumped past 29,000 yesterday and moved from 28,000 to 29,000 in just 37 trading days it is going to be difficult for them to claim the economy is bad, but they will do so anyway. They will scream about "income inequality" as loud as they can. So we will be treated to a stage full of white millionaires and even billionaires screeching about how bad black people, brown people and poor white people are being treated by the system they have worked in and supported for their entire adult lives. (Mayor Pete gets a little break there I admit.)

It is coming fast (thank god). Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and then Super Tuesday on March 3.

Both Joe and Bernie will hang on until the convention or until they drop dead (literally), whichever comes first. Warren is losing both money and votes to Bernie. It is distinctly possible neither she nor Klobuchar will survive beyond Super Tuesday. Steyer and Bloomberg have enough money they don't have to worry. This whole thing is an ego stroke for them. They are giving themselves hand jobs while holding fistsfull of $100 bills.

Personally I hope it stays split up and we go to a brokered convention. Then Hillary the Savior can ride in on her white limo and offer to save the day. THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT.

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