Thursday, January 16, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Justin Smith is the Sheriff of Larimer County, Colorado. He is a pretty solid Second Amendment guy and has said he would refuse to serve a "Red Flat" gun seizure order against a Colorado State University Police Officer filed by Susan Holmes. She is pissed because the cop shot her kid in 2017. The Sheriff calls her filing a "fraud" and assert that she lacks standing to file. Presumably that is why she invented the relationship with Corporal Phillips, in order to give her standing to file.

Holmes filed for the order on January 9. Allegedly Ms. Holmes asserted (falsely) that she had a relationship with and a child with Corporal Philip Morris, the subject of the filing. She also asserts that Morris recklessly used a firearm resulting in the death of her son. Assuming her filing is false state law allows for a filing of perjury charges against Holmes.

Holmes charged at Cpl. Morris with a hunting knife after being warned a bunch of times to drop it. There was one other officer present, Erin Mast of the Fort Collins P.D. She also fired at the dead guy, Jeremy Holmes, 19. Both officers have been cleared by the D. A. The dead guys mother called the cops due to her concern over his mental state and Holmes said he wanted to die on body cam footage before charging the cops with the toad sticker.

It is not completely clear from the article I got this info from whether or not a judge has actually issued the gun seizure order.

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