Tuesday, January 14, 2020


by Bob Walsh

For your reference I have made up a brief list if important dates in the now-running political season.

February 2. Superbowl Sunday. This is important because of the next entry.

February 3. Iowa Caucus. Everybody who is not too hung over from Superbowl Sunday will show up for the Iowa Caucuses. Remember this is not a primary, it is a caucus. People have to show up in person at a public venue and make a public announcement of support. It takes a couple of hours. You have to work at it. Mayor Pete was quite a bit ahead in the polling until recently but not so much any more.

February 11. New Hampshire Primary. This should be meaningless, they have only 3 electoral votes (I think). It is, however, the FIRST primary and it shows whether or not candidates may or may not be getting traction. It is expected Bernie, who is sort of a local, will probably win.

February 22. The Nevada Caucus. It was generally believed that Joe the Hairsnifer would get a solid score in this one, but he is loosing a bit of ground in the polls. It is an apportioned result, not a winner-take-all. Current polling suggests Joe will win 12 of the 36 votes.

February 29. South Carolina Primary. This is the really big one before Super Tuesday. The smart money says Joe will take it, due to his major positives within the Black community. It is distinctly possible that a different person could win each of these four early contests.

March 3. Super Tuesday. Something like 40% of the delegate votes will be decided on this day. Nanny Bloomberg is pinning his hopes, feeble though they may be, on making a big score here. He even bought a commercial for the Superbowl. A $10 million one-shot ego stroke. It must be nice to be stupid rich. After this one is over we may have a good idea if one of the candidates is really gathering momentum of if we have a chance at a open convention. (Please Raknar, let it be so.)

With the political death of Spartacus (Corey Booker) yesterday the only person of color left on the Democrat stage is Andrew Yang. He is actually an interesting guy but hasn't got a Chinaman's chance (yes, I did that on purpose) of getting the brass ring. He might, however, get the zinc ring. Somebody has to be VP. He would be a better pick than most. He isn't stark raving mad.

Will the current hoorah in Iran and the impeachment farce have anything to do with any of this? I somehow doubt it. But I could be wrong. I have been wrong before. Last time was September of 2008. I thought I had been wrong about something, but it turned out I wasn't.

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