Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Cops are no longer free to kill black men who attack them

January 30, 2019

Today’s politically correct cop carries four shooting weapons on his duty belt, three of which are non-lethal. He will carry a pepper spray, a Taser, a gun that fires rubber bullets and a regular firearm.

Because cops are no longer free to kill black men, they are trained to use their weapons in a strict sequence when assaulted by these victims of racism.

First the officer will have to try pepper spraying his black assailant. If that does not work he should taser the man. If that fails to stop the assailant, he should fire a rubber bullet at the man.

If the rubber bullet doe not work, the officer will then take his regular firearm out of its holster and blow his brains out.

While there will still be some loud complaints that a black man suffered police brutality from the use of pepper spray, the Taser, or the rubber bullet, there will be no demonstrations in the streets by Black Lives Matter and no rioting since the cop blew his brains out.

Likewise, Al Sharpton will remain in New York. And in Houston there will be no camera appearance for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee standing next to the police chief or the sheriff during a press briefing on the shooting.

Cops are still free to use their firearm on white men without first trying the non-lethal weapons.

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