Wednesday, January 30, 2019


by Bob Walsh

It seems like there is this very rich guy named Schultz who used to be the HFMIC at Starbucks. He has more money than god and is thinking seriously about running for El Presidente as an independent, because he thinks that is a good thing and besides he hates Donald Trump. OK, I have no problem with that.

So, the liberal assholes think (probably correctly) that he would simply dilute the liberal asshole vote, kind of like Perot cut into Bush, and want to shut him down. So they are trying to arrange a liberal asshole boycott of Starbucks. It does not matter that Schultz has no connection whatsoever with Starbucks any more, except possibly as a shareholder. He sold out quite some time back and is kicking back enjoying his truck full of money. That's cool. He probably gets his coffee now at Peets or Dunkin Donuts anyway.

Personally I had some DANERYS TARGAREYEN FOR PRESIDENT bumper stickers printed up. Black on red. Looks good on my red pickup truck. I doubt that she will actually run, considering she is a fictional character, but what the hell. I have already had people ask me where they can get a bumper sticker like that.

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