Thursday, June 14, 2018


Kim Jong-Un may look funny, but the North Korean leaser is no laughing matter

June 14, 2018

Now that the historic summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un is over, it’s a good time to seize up the North Korean dictator. We tend to belittle and poke fun at our adversaries. And so it has been with Kim Jong-Un. We have long joked about his gawd awful haircut. We have poked fun at his short and fat stature. And, of course, President Trump mocked Kim by calling him the little rocket man. But Kim is no laughing matter.

Kim is no dummy. He was educated in Swiss schools. He apparently speaks English as he and Trump were seen carrying on a conversation while taking a walk together without their interpreters. Does anyone believe that Trump can speak Korean? I think not.

The short fat guy with the gawd awful haircut was smart enough to know that by the mere act of getting a meeting with Trump he would be elevated from being the reclusive leader of the Hermit Kingdom to being recognized as a prominent international leader, regardless of whether they agreed on anything or not.

The now 34-year-old Kim was chosen by his father to take over the leadership of North Korea, which he succeeded in doing at age 26. And he was astute enough to keep his generals in line and to eliminate anyone, including close family members, who he believed to be a threat to his rule.

During that rule, North Korea has accumulated thousands of missiles, including intercontinental missiles that are capable of striking the U.S. mainland. During Kim’s short rule, North Korea has set off a hydrogen bomb and is known to possess an unknown number of nuclear weapons.

Kim’s 6.5 million-man army is poised to strike at South Korea. If that were to happen, his missiles would destroy Seoul and it’s suburbs with a population of nearly 26 million people, leaving hundreds-of-thousands dead and injured.

If Kim's army were to invade South Korea, the U.S. would be forced to resort to the use of nuclear weapons in order to keep the 28,000 American troops and their families that are stationed at or near the border from getting wiped out. Those nuclear weapons would have to be used immediately upon the start of the North Korean attack if the Americans are to be saved.

So the next time you laugh at that short fat guy with the gawd awful haircut, you better pause for a reality check. You’ll find nothing to laugh about.

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