Wednesday, December 6, 2017


by Bob Walsh

San Joaquin County, California, isn't exactly a small town (population about 800,000 total) but neither is it huge. A very interesting pissing contest just developed within the Sheriff's Office.

Like most counties of that size in CA the elected Sheriff is also the Coroner, at least legally, though he is clearly not a medical examiner. That fact has led to some in-fighting in the ranks. Specifically the Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Bennet Omalu and a forensic pathologist, Dr. Susan Parson, believe that Sheriff Steve Moore is interfering with their job. They said so, in a 113 page memorandum just released to the public.

Essentially Moore has the final say-so on what the "official manner" of death is in cases under his office's jurisdiction. This can be a fine line. Moore can not change the CAUSE OF DEATH (say for instance "gunshot wound" or "blunt force trauma" but he can change the MANNER of death (i.e. homicide, suicide, accidental or undetermined).

Dr. Omalu (who was the gun in the CONCUSSION movie played by Will Smith) ruled an August 21 death from a traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury to be a homicide. Moore changed it to accidental. Allegedly the reason was that a cop was involved in the death. This is not the only such case that has recently occurred.

Dr. Parson has recently left county employment, citing meddling by the Sheriff as the cause.

The District Attorney is looking into the matter.

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