Wednesday, December 27, 2017


by Bob Walsh

In November 2008 it was a moderately common, grotty little family homicide in Flagstaff, Arizona. Except for one factor. The murderer was an eight-year old.

Vincent Romero, 29 and his friend Timothy Romans, 39, were both dead. The youngster shot and killed his dad with a single-shot .22 rifle, then called to Romans, telling him something was wrong When Romans approached the boy shot and killed him too.

In two days the youngster will be 18, and will walk away clean. No probation, no mandatory psych follow-up. Nothing. He did have some trouble with violation of his probation when he was 12, but has been 'clean" since then.

He has been housed in a foster home for some period of time. It is likely, though not mandatory, that he will continue to live there until he is 21 and likely but not mandatory he will continue psychiatric care of some sort. Apparently he was pissed off because his father chastised him for pulling the rifle out from under his bed without permission.

The kid, about to be a young adult, still has strong ties with his mother.

I wonder if legally there will be a prohibition against him owning or possessing firearms. The kid copped to negligent homicide, for deliberately killing two people. I guess he had a good lawyer.

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