Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Glenn Woody Higgins stepped on a downed power line while trying to save strangers in a burning car

Clic2Houston | May 15, 2016

HOUSTON -- Fifty-eight-year-old Glenn Woody Higgins is a big man with an even bigger heart and enough hero inside of him for 10 men.

Last Wednesday, he noticed that a car had plowed into an electrical pole off the Beltway 8 feeder road and 288.

He jumped out of his car to try to rescue the people inside the burning vehicle.

"He noticed a car that had been in an accident. There were down power lines everywhere. The front of the car was smoking and because he is a hero and a good man he decided to stop and help," Max Higgins, Glenn's son, said.

In his rush to help others, Glenn stepped on a live powerline. The electricity surged through his body and, according to his family, he was literally on fire until someone stepped in to help him.

Now this big man is being tested like never before. His injuries are severe.

"Sixty percent of his body was burned. He has third-degree burns on his legs. Both legs had to be amputated above the knees," Max said.

Now Glenn is listed in critical condition at Memorial Hermann Hospital.

EDITOR’S NOTE: It always frosts me to see how loosely the term ‘hero’ is thrown around. Football stars are often referred to as heroes, but they're not real heroes at all. And Brucella Jenner now Caitlyn Jenner is certainly no hero for going public with his perverted choice to be a woman!

Well, here is an honest-to-goodness true hero. Glenn Woody Higgins, a black man with a wife and children, risked his own life in an attempt to save the lives of strangers. He lost both legs and could still lose his life. You can’t get any more heroic than that.

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