Wednesday, May 11, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Bernie Sanders, AKA The Real Santa Claus, is in Stockton today [Tuesday] giving away free stuff in order to buy votes.

I am no longer young but I confess I do not remember being stupid when I was in college. Even at that relatively young age I knew there was no free lunch. I knew there was no FREE college. There might be a college education that I personally didn’t have to pay for, at least directly, but somebody had to pay for it.

Scholarships were nice but the government “giving” you a free college education meant that the taxpayers were in fact paying for it. Now don’t get me wrong, I think that it is a legitimate public policy question as to whether or not higher education should be substantially, or totally, taxpayer subsidized. Calling it “free” is inherently dishonest. That bothers me.

I realize that there is only a very small chance that Bernie will unseat Hillary. I would like to see it happen. Partly because I despise Hillary. Partly because I think watching Bernie and The Donald fight it out would be a hoot.

The Director of the FBI is giving some sort of a news conference tomorrow [Wednesday]. It will be closely watched and parsed by at least some of the news media. I confess that I am still hopeful that Hillary will be indicted. If it happens that would certainly give Bernie a boost. However, hope clouds reason so I am not willing to put any money on it. (Didn’t Ezra Pound run for president while he was locked up in federal prison?)

In any event we are in for an amusing six months or so.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Most of my college education was paid for by the GI Bill. OK, so the taxpayers paid for it, but at least I did something to earn it. What Bernie and Hillary are proposing is another entitlement for those already receiving a shitload of handouts.

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