Thursday, February 9, 2017


While bashing Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions on the Senate floor, Elizabeth Warren ran afoul of Rule 19 which prohibits senators from impugning each other

BarkGrowlBite | February 9, 2017

Ever since Donald Trump became president, uber-left Sen. Elizabeth Warren has been the spearhead of the Left’s attacks on his policies and cabinet nominations.

The Democrat senator from Massachusetts has been wagging her tongue like the snake she is without let-up. She has been screaming like a Banshee over Trump’s immigration ban and his plan to build a border wall. She has vociferously opposed every Trump nominee.

On Tuesday, The Senate Democrats were conducting a non-stop talkathon during a debate on the nomination of Sen. Jeff Session to be this nation’s Attorney General.

During her turn, Sen. Warren ran afoul of Rule 19 which prohibits senators from impugning each other. While wagging her tongue against Sessions, she started reading a 30-year old letter written by Coretta Scott King, the widow of Dr. Martin Luther King. The letter was a scathing rebuke of Sessions, accusing him of trying to suppress black voting.

Before she got to King’s letter, Warren read a statement by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy which labeled Sessions a disgrace. At that point, Republican majority leader Mitch McConnell warned Warren not to impugn Sen. Sessions.

Warren ignored McConnell’s warning. When she began reading King’s letter, McConnell invoked Rule 19. After some parliamentary moves, the Republican controlled Senate voted to shut her up. Warren was thus prohibited from speaking again on Session’s nomination.

Every Democratic senator’s immediately came to Warren’s defense and several of them then read King’s letter on the Senate floor without interruption by McConnell..

Of course that didn’t stop the snake from wagging her tongue against Sessions. Right after she was silenced on the senate floor, Warren took to social media to continue her tongue-wagging bashing of Sessions. She became Superwoman to her uber-Left admirers.

By silencing her on the Senate floor, the Republicans all but guaranteed that Warren will be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2020.

When all was said and done, on Wednesday night Sessions was confirmed as U.S. Attorney General by a 52-47 vote with West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin being the lone Democrat to join the Republicans in voting to approve the nomination. During normal times most Democratic senators would have joined their Republican colleagues in voting to confirm Sessions, but for Democrats these are fuck Trump any which way they can times.

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