Tuesday, December 31, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The Iowa Caucuses will be here February 3. Remember, this is NOT a primary but a caucus. It is loud (very often) and public. So, what will the results be and what will the fallout be?

Right now the smart money is on Mayor Pete. Joe the Hairsniffer will probably come out #3. If he doesn't he will look really, really stupid. Joe will also probably NOT win in New Hampshire, the Bernie Bros will probably take that. After all, Bernie is their next-door neighbor. Also, in Bernie's favor, he doesn't change direction every time the wind changes direction. He is pretty honest about who he is (for a politician anyway) and what he wants. There is something to be said for that.

If Joe does not score BIG in South Carolina specifically and overall in general on Super Tuesday he will be in trouble. There will be 14 states up for grabs, including a couple of caucus states. If Joe isn't ahead by then he will start to founder. His only real "advantage" is that he appears to be a reasonable opponent to Trump. That does not help if his own party does not back his play.

The REAL fun will come in if there is no clear winner going into the convention in mid-July. In response to the rip-off Hillary pulled on Crazy Bernie four years ago the rules changed. The superdelegates do NOT get to vote on the first ballot. It is within the realm of possibility that the Dems will end up with a brokered convention. It may even be likely. That will truly be a clusterfuck.

Both Styer and Bloomberg seem to think they will run this thru to the end and both have the resources in their own wallets to make it happen. Styer has no program except TRUMP IS EVIL. Bloomberg has no program except TRUMP IS EVIL, GUNS ARE EVIL, SODA IS EVIL, REPUBLICANS ARE EVIL.

Pocahontas is getting increasingly desperate. Her fund raising is dropping like a stone. She has been forced to back away (slightly) from her EVERYTHING FREE FOR EVERYBODY basic campaign position. Even her sort-of allies are having trouble swallowing that and her embarrassing unwillingness to even pretend to explain how she will fund it makes even liberal's brains hurt.

Personally I think it is shame that Yang hasn't got a chance in hell. He is kind of an interesting guy and is not completely psychotic.

How about Rosie O'Donnell and Michael Moore on a ticket. Golden Corral would probably sponsor them. (OK, that was mean.)

EDITOR'S NOTE: If I were a Democrat, Bloomberg's agenda sounds pretty damn good. As for Rosie and Michael, they would most certainly get the fat vote. (The fat vote ... was that mean?)

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