Friday, December 27, 2019


Liberal women's magazine ignores liberal women's bigotry

by Madeline Fry

Washington Examiner
December 18, 2019

Some of Elle magazine's political favorites may be leftist darlings, but that can't hide their bigotry problem.

The women’s lifestyle magazine just released a list of “20 Women Of Color In Politics To Watch In 2020.” It’s no surprise that they’re all left-wing, and not even Tulsi Gabbard makes it on the list (but a transgender woman does).

The surprising thing about this woke list of political activists, though, is that it’s not actually as woke as it thinks.

In fact, the list includes several women with histories of bigotry: MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who has evaded questions about her anti-gay blog posts; Linda Sarsour, the ex-Women’s March co-chairwoman who left the organization following condemnation of her support of anti-Semitic remarks; and Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who has her own anti-Semitism problem.

Are these women really the political activists that women should look up to? The Elle article praises Reid as someone who “knows the media can do a better job in telling a more inclusive story about this country, one in which all people are represented and seen, and she works to elevate the voices of women of color, immigrants, and other diverse perspectives.”

This is the same Reid who claimed that hackers were responsible for anti-gay comments such as this one: “adult gay men tend to be attracted to very young, post-pubescent types.”

And according to one former colleague, working alongside Reid was far from elevating. "It was a very unhealthy work environment because of her attitude," former radio co-host Andre Eggelletion said last year. "She attacked me on a constant basis while I was there. I was even once threatened with physical violence during a break with her."

Then, there’s Linda Sarsour, who has supported Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam who compared Jews to “termites.” Sarsour’s ties with the Women’s March became a liability after she continually promulgated anti-Semitic tropes, and she hasn’t stopped. Last month, she claimed that “Israel was built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everybody else.”

Yet, Elle gushes: "Linda says she's guided by a radical love for her community and the belief that we are deserving of a democracy that works for all of us."

Finally, we have Rashida Tlaib. Tlaib has invoked Nazi Germany to defend the boycott, divest, and sanctions movement against Israel, claimed that a two-state solution would legitimize Israel’s “inequality, ethnic discrimination, and inhumane conditions,” and posed for photos with terrorist sympathizers.

But, according to Elle, "She has shown up as a woman with the courage and integrity to speak truth to power in the name of justice for the most vulnerable people among us."

These are the women whom Elle says will shape politics in 2020. They may have problems with bigotry, but they're in the right political party, so apparently, those pesky problems don't matter.

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