Thursday, December 19, 2019


Life on earth as we know it is destined to become extinct

By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
December 18, 2019

Global warming is one of the biggest political issues of our time, eclipsing the impeachment of the president. The majority of the world’s scientists swear by it, but there are the naysayers like President Trump and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Jones claims that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the World Bank to control the world economy though a carbon tax. But if, like Jones, you don’t believe the climatology scientists, there is plenty of empirical evidence showing that global warming is for real.

The polar ice caps have shrunk and are continuing to shrink. Glaciers have also shrunk and in some parts of the world they have disappeared completely.

NOAA reports that the global sea level is rising at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year. But since the polar ice caps continue to shrink, it is predicted that the sea level will rise between 0.3 and 1 meter by 2100.

The truth is that the earth has undergone cycles of climate change through out its history. There have been periods when the earth has cooled down and periods when it has heated up. We are now in the period between the Ice Age and the heating up of the earth.

The climate change activists would have us believe that global warming has resulted from man’s use of fossil fuels. They demand that we stop using coal. They demand that our cars and trucks stop using gasoline and diesel fuel. They believe that all our energy needs can be met through the use of wind farms and solar plants.

Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish eco-warrior, has just been named Time’s person of the year. She has been going to many countries scolding politicians for not doing enough to stop global warming. When she received Time’s award, instead of congratulating the teenager, Trump bashed her in one of his tweets because he is one of the politicians she is directing her anger at.

Is man responsible for global warming? No! But the use of fossil fuels may speed up the cyclical process a bit. Greta and her many followers better get used to the fact that there is practically nothing we can do to stop global warming.

However, Greta’s war on global warming may not be all in vain. By reducing, if not eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels, we will be reducing air pollution. And cleaner air will result in less cancer and fewer lung diseases, which may reduce health insurance costs and prolong the lives of many people.

Life on earth as we know it is destined to become extinct. First there will be the disaster of the world’s coastal cities, like New York and New Orleans, disappearing under rising seas. That will be followed by scorching heat that will destroy the world’s food supply and kill off all remaining life.

Of course, the end of mankind is many, many generations away. But it’s coming sure as hell because the earth is on an unstoppable path to where it heats up like hell.

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