Saturday, May 18, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Jeff Adachi died at the age of 59 recently. He was a public defender in the city and county of San Francisco and, as one might expect, often in an adversarial role with the SFPD.

Somebody within the P D recently leaked a report of his death stating that it was caused by a combination of alcohol and cocaine. That report was apparently correct and was allegedly sold for cash by a free-lance reporter, Bryan Carmody to various media outlets. (He was not the only one who got the report.)

The cops raided Carmody's home in an effort to identify the leaker. They smashed in and took a ton of electronics and other goodies. They denied that Carmody, who is a self-employed stringer, was a "real" journalist and was therefore not entitled to the protection offered for journalistic sources by the California constitution. (Typically in CA journalists notes and other info are subpoenaed rather than grabbed with a warrant, as this gives the opportunity for further court review of the circumstances.)

Neither Mayor Breed nor Chief Scott had any issue with this. The press has a MAJOR problem with it, and are letting people know. Carmody, who was handcuffed for several hours while the search was going on, isn't too thrilled with it either. Expect a lawsuit. With significant justification.

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