Friday, May 31, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The formerly great state of California is preparing to create a civil service job for professional killers. You will work to eliminate nutria, the large, non-native rodent that is starting to move into the area and damage levees. About 300 have been caught and killed so far and there is one environmental scientist who does this. I am not sure why you need a degree in environmental science to kill big rodents, but if you have one you can make $80k a year stomping thru the wet lands checking traps.

You can also get a job as an abandoned mine inspector. It is actually moderately dangerous. That pays $110,000 a year and besides being moderately dangerous is also frequently physically uncomfortable.

Also underwater bridge inspectors are in somewhat of a demand. There are about 800 bridges in CA that require regular inspection of the underwater sections of the bridges. Each bridge gets inspected once every five years. There are 12 people on the underwater staff roster. This only pays $72,000 per year and you occasionally find interesting stuff, like cars with bodies in them.

Check the CalPERS web site and see what you find. Personally I wouldn't mind sitting in a lawn chair on a levee with a .22 shooting giant rodents, and I would do it for less than $80k a year.

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