Wednesday, March 20, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Colorado has been the latest to join this work-around of the Electoral College. The premise is simple. The state gives all of their electoral college votes to which-ever presidential candidate gets the most popular votes nationwide. I heard, in accompaniment to this info, an audio clip of Elizabeth Warren talking to a crowd in Buttcrack, Mississippi. When she told the dumb bastards how wonderful this would be for them they all cheered like somebody had just rammed a 14" dildo up their ass.

Assuming this thing actually flies (and it is constitutionally highly questionable) it would mean that the ONLY states that would ever see a presidential candidate would be California, New York, Ohio, Texas, Illinois and maybe Wisconsin. It would also come close to assuring that only Democraps would ever win a presidential election as democrap voters tend to congregate in large urban areas where the freebies are good.

They are pissed that Bush 43 Beat Algore. They are REALLY pissed that Trump whopped Hillary's ass. They REALLY want to ensure that does not happen again. They know they can't get the electoral college removed from the constitution by using the appropriate process, so they are trying this side door thing.

I HOPE there are enough semi-intelligent people in this country to realize that this is horseshit. I HOPE that SCOTUS would say that this is horseshit if push came to shove. I really don't want to find out.

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