Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Cops not to chase anymore crooks, especially black ones

by Bob Walsh

Regular readers, or anyone who follows the news, will likely remember the name Stephon Clark. He was shot to death following a foot pursuit by Sacramento (CA) P. D. officers. Clark had been out minding his own business, breaking into cars and attempting to burglarize at least one occupied private home while wasted off his gourd. He got tired of running and turned with a cell phone in his hands. The cops mistook it for a gun and terminally rehabilitated his ass. This has led to riots and demonstrations. The MOB of course wants the cops fired, tried and executed. The DA, because she is an obstructive bitch, wants to have an actual investigation before they attempt to indict anybody. Some people are just like that I guess.

In any event the P. D. has come up with an innovative program to reduce situations like this. They will just stop chasing people (especially if they are black).

Under the new policy foot pursuits are "discouraged." (That means you will not get your ass in trouble if you just let the asshole go.) Officers are cautioned to use their own safety, suspect safety, public safety and the importance of the apprehension as guideposts before they decide to pursue. They should call Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton first for permission if possible. (I just made up that last one. Probably.)

I wonder what this will do to the petty crime rate in Sacramento? Any guesses?.

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