Monday, August 27, 2018


by Bob Walsh

I may, or may not, be on a jury this week. I got my notice for this week (after two postponements due to medical scheduling) and the phone call check-in said; "Report at noon on Monday." As a former peace officer I will PROBABLY not be picked, at least not for a criminal trial.

I have, in the past, landed in the box twice and been booted twice. Once I worked for DMV and that bothered the defendant, who was representing himself and was a drunk and a wife beater. Probably had a beef with DMV and booted me.

And once was when I worked for the CDC and the case was from the prison where I worked. In fact I was likely a witness to it. In any event as soon as I gave my name and place of employment everybody laughed and the judge waved BYEBYE to me. And the damn jury commish made me stay the whole damn day. Since it was my RDO all I got was the $6 for my trouble.

In any event I will keep you posted. They moved the trial of an on-duty Stanislaus County deputy to San Joaquin County, but I can't imagine they would let me land on that one.

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