Friday, November 10, 2017


by bob Walsh

Jules Williams, 37, has allegedly identified as a female for 20 years. He has a birth certificate and state ID stating female. She has just filed a suit against Pennsulvania, with the assistance of the ACLU, asserting that she was raped multiple times and, in general, treated badly while she was a guest of the state prison system. The Allegheney County jail and administrators are named in the suit.

The county talking head, Amie Downs, declined to comment on the suit.

I am GUESSING based on virtually no information that Williams still had a penis. If not, the lack of a penis and the fact that she has ID that says female would tend to mean she would be housed in a female facility.

I know when I was the LT. and the Reception Center at DVI the rule was simple. If you had a dick and your birth certificate said MALE you were a guy. Starting next year trannies will be able to get birth certificates "reissued" with the "correct" gender on them. This will make life MUCH MORE INTERESTING for prison staff.

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