Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger is demanding that Trump stop spreading conspiracy theories that suggest Joe Scarborough murdered an intern when he was in Congress

By Howie Katz

President Trump has been at war with Joe Scarborough, the former Republican congressman who is now the co-host of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' program. For some time now, Trump has been tweeting unfounded conspiracy theories that suggest Scarborough murdered an intern when he was in Congress.

On Sunday Trump posted his latest attack on Scarborough which read: "A lot of interest in this story about Psycho Joe Scarborough. So a young marathon runner just happened to faint in his office, hit her head on his desk, & die? I would think there is a lot more to this story than that? An affair? What about the so-called investigator?"

That pissed off Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger who demanded that Trump stop his conspiracy tweets because they will destroy the GOP. Kinzinger tweeted: "Completely unfounded conspiracy. Just stop. Stop spreading it, stop creating paranoia. It will destroy us."

Kinzinger is right. That conspiracy theory is completely unfounded. It is so ridiculous that only idiots will believe it.

Trump keeps howling that articles and news reports are fake news whenever they are unfavorable to him. But he himself is guilty of spreading fake news whenever he touts a conspiracy theory.

As I said before, Trump's tweets attacking Morning Joe are petty and a blight on the dignity of the presidency. And as Kinzinger warned, they could lead to the downfall of Republican candidates.

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