Thursday, May 28, 2020


Face masks do not keep you from getting infected by coronavirus, but they do keep you from infecting others

by Howie Katz

I did some shopping at Walmart on Monday. The place was packed. I estimate that 3 out of every 4 shoppers were not wearing face masks. There was no social distancing whatsoever.

I also saw TV news coverage of how people celebrated the Memorial Day weekend all over the country. Crowds packed the beaches and bars. There was hardly a mask in sight and there was absolutely no social distancing.

Those Walmartians and those holiday revelers either did not know, or did not care, that face masks do not keep you from getting infected by coronavirus, but they do keep you from infecting others.

I had to see my dermatologist yesterday. You cannot come into the building unless you are wearing a mask. While I was in the waiting room, they gave a young couple the heave-ho for not wearing masks.

Here is what Bob Walsh said in a post yesterday: "If you are under 60 and you have no co-morbidity issues your chances of dying from this shit [coronavirus] are very, very low. Your chances of GETTING it are decent, but you may very well not even know you have it."

Health experts say that up to 80 percent of people who become infected with coronavirus may not even know they're sick. These people spread the virus to those they come in contact with.

That means some of those no-mask shoppers at Walmart could very well have been infected with coronavirus and not know it. And Houston is one of the nation's COVID-19 hot spots.

If I come down with corona, I most likely got it at Walmart from some ignorant bastard or from some inconsiderate sorry asshole who did not give a shit about spreading the virus to others.

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