Tuesday, July 17, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Diane Feinstein is the senior senator from the formerly great state of California. She is about 130 years old and has been in the senate since the Truman administration I think. She is a reliable liberal, but is apparently NOT enough of a liberal nut job for the state democrat party.

In the recent primary DiFi carried all 58 counties by double-digits. Never the less the state party is endorsing her opponent, Kevin de Leon. (California's strange system puts the top two primary vote getters against each other in the general election even if they are from the same party.) They are calling de Leon a "Progressive" (meaning a complete knee jerk liberal horses ass). He has said that he views illegal aliens, including criminal illegal aliens, as an important part of his constituency.

It is likely that DiFi will win anyway (unless she dies first) but it is interesting to note the state democrat party is opposing an almost certain winner in order to pimp a nut job radical, even by CA standards.

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