Wednesday, May 16, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Fred Schaub of Florida is one of at least 24 people known to have been killed by blind dependence on technology in recent years.

What happens is that people get fancy new cars with auto starts and key fobs. He died after leaving his RAV4 running in his garage, the carbon monoxide accumulated in his house enough to kill him. The newer cars run so quietly that people sometimes bail out and forget to turn them off. No key to turn off. This oversight has killed a couple of dozen people and left others with permanent brain damage over the last few years.

The exact number is not known as nobody tracks this info. It is bad enough in Florida (lots of retired old farts unused to cars running without humans in them) that some fire departments are giving out free CO detectors.

You need to not have your brain on auto pilot, even after you have put the car in the garage.

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