Sunday, January 7, 2018


Steve Bannon tangled with the Kushners in an attempt to get them fired

January 7, 2018

Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former pal and Chief Strategist, has long been accused of anti-Semitism, something he strongly denies.

According to the book FIRE AND FURY, Henry Kissinger told author Michael Wolff that “It’s a war between the Jews and the non-Jews,” referring to conflicts between Steve Bannon, the non-Jew, and the Kushners, Trump’s Jewish son-in-law Jared and daughter Ivanka.

The main conflict was reportedly over which of the two parties was the most pro-Israel. There was also the clash between the arch-conservative Bannon and the moderate Kushners.

According to Wolff, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly also tried unsuccessfully to get Trump to fire the Kushners.

Wolff told the BBC on Saturday that his book would prove to be the catalyst for the end of the Trump administration.

Now if Trump had been black like Obama, no one would have dared to write anything derogatory about the president. Had they done so, they would have suffered the fire and fury of being castigated as racists.

With page after page of Trump-trashing and casting serious doubt on his mental stability, intelligence and fitness for office, it now appears obvious that FIRE AND FURY was designed by Wolff to destroy the Trump presidency. Shame, shame on him!

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