Friday, January 19, 2018


By Trey Rusk

Running Code 3
January 15, 2018

I've been visiting Las Vegas for more than thirty years. I've stayed in just about every casino/hotel downtown and on the strip. I remember when the only problem a person might encounter was an obnoxious drunk or angry loser. Security usually stepped in and escorted them off the premises. Downtown panhandlers would sometimes bother you, but even then if they were in front of a casino like Binion's a security guard would run them off the public sidewalk.

Since the take over of casinos by large corporations that has changed. Now security consists of an unarmed pimply faced kid wearing a uniform that doesn't fit making minimum wage. They are useless and should not be seen as a deterrent to crime.

I miss the days when the casinos had Vinnie the Knee and Danny Two Times keeping an eye on things. I could always spot them with their dyed black hair, shined shoes, black suit and a bent nose. I felt safe.

Two times in the last week and once last month casinos on the strip have been brazenly robbed by armed persons. The Bellagio, NYNY and Ellis Island have all had their casino cages robbed. You would think that the casino cage would be one of the safest areas in the in the joint. Nope. That's because security is lax and the corporations don't seem to care.

I shouldn't even mention the recent mass shooting, but it was a lapse in security that allowed it to happen. Had employees been paying attention, it may have been avoided.

My solution to security would be to hire only former SWAT trained police officers or Special Ops military personnel. I would arm them with the latest weapons and make them stand out to the point of being intimidating. They would train with Las Vegas first responders and have a mutual aid channel assigned. If possible, they would live on the premises and work 30 days on and 3 weeks off. They would not be allowed to drink while on their 30 day work stretch. They would be paid a generous yearly salary without overtime. They would never be allowed to gamble, drink or socialize on the premises where they were employed. That includes fucking the help.

When I visit Las Vegas I carry a Taser on my belt. It looks like a cell phone except it puts out a million volts. I have only had to take it out once and that ended any further dealings with an unpleasant person. (Tasers are legal to carry in Nevada.)

Here is a tip for using a handheld Taser. Don't hold the button down. Push it in one second bursts. This makes the muscles contract over and over. Three times usually does it. They should piss themselves by the third shock.

In my opinion, crime will diminish when deterred.

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