Saturday, August 12, 2017


Fazio, political director for the Texas Marijuana Policy Project, claims pot is safer than alcohol, when recent studies have shown it is more dangerous not only than alcohol, but tobacco smoking as well

August 12, 2017

Heather Fazio, political director for the Texas Marijuana Policy Project, an organization that advocates the legalization of pot, is very unhappy that the recent Texas legislative session failed enact any marijuana reforms and that such reforms will fail in the current special session which is about to end.

Fazio has released the following statement:

“Marijuana policy reform is coming to Texas sooner rather than later. There is no reason to let this year’s session end without voting on this bill. Waiting until 2019 will only result in wasted law enforcement resources and tens of thousands of Texans being saddled with a criminal record for using a substance that is safer than alcohol.”

Heather Fazio is a big fucking liar!

First of all, more and more recent studies have shown that marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol. Marijuana use increases the risk of dying from high blood pressure by MORE THAN three times. And this indicates that marijuana use may carry even heavier consequences on the cardiovascular system than that already established for cigarette smoking. (BGB 8-10-2017) Another study shows that every day marijuana use increases the risk of psychosis by up to 159 percent. (BGB 8-10-2017)

According to the Texas DPS, more than 60,000 Texans are arrested for marijuana possession annually. Fazio says that those arrested for pot possession are being saddled with a criminal record. That too is a big fucking lie because we are not saddling them with a criminal record, they are mounting that saddle themselves. Pot users know they are breaking the law and that there can be consequences if cought. So spare us the tears for those who gamble and lose.

Finally those arrests are not a waste of law enforcement resources if the courts meet out some punishment. On the contrary, a little jail time might be an incentive for not using pot. And that would result in preventing the progression to the use of other drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth and designer drugs.

Pro-pot advocates will defend Fazio by claiming that studies showing Marijuana to be more dangerous than alcohol were done by quacks or that she simply had not heard about them. Wrong, deliberately wrong on both counts. The studies have been conducted by reliable researchers at prestigious institutions. And you can bet that the mere use of the words cannabis, marijuana, pot and weed in print, on TV or the internet will be brought to her attention.

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