Friday, March 31, 2017


'I'm trying not to vomit or yell out Mosul': Outrage at Drexel University professor who said he was disgusted when a first-class flyer gave up his seat to a uniformed soldier

Daily Mail | March 30, 2017

A Drexel University professor prompted a swift backlash on Twitter after sharing his disgust over a first-class flyer who gave up his seat to a serviceman.

George Ciccariello-Maher tweeted on Sunday: 'Some guy gave up his first class seat for a uniformed soldier. People are thanking him. I’m trying not to vomit or yell about Mosul.'

Cicariello-Maher, who is no stranger to controversy after he asked for a 'white genocide' for Christmas in 2016, was called 'ungrateful' and told to 'go to hell'.

Cicariello-Maher, currently a visiting researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, was apparently disgusted after the act of kindness was applauded by his fellow passengers.

Even though his Twitter account is protected, his comments on March 26 sparked an uproar among Twitter users who called him 'unpatriotic'.

Christian Hockley wrote: 'I'm sorry you need attention. It's adorable, but let's see you say that to a Marine's face. Tweet after you do, if you can...'

Lisa Smith wrote: 'As a mother of a wounded soldier, who fought for HIS freedom, I have 3 words for HIM- GO TO HELL!'

Some called for Drexel University to fire Cicariello, while others suggested a boycott on the school by withholding donations.

Robert Henry wrote: 'Drexel University should fire Prof George Ciccariello-Maher for his "tried not to vomit" comment. DO NOT SEND YOU KIDS TO DREXEL UNIV.'

Just four months ago, Cicariello-Maher gained national media attention after tweeting: 'All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.'

The professor told AP he was mocking what he called the 'imaginary concept' of white genocide, which he says was invented by white supremacists.

'It is a figment of the racist imagination, it should be mocked, and I'm glad to have mocked it,' he said.

Ciccariello-Maher followed up his initial tweet by praising the 'massacre' of whites in Haiti during the country's slave uprising and revolution more than two centuries ago.

The school issued a statement slamming his comments as 'utterly reprehensible [and] deeply disturbing', adding that they did not reflect the values of the University.

He specializes in 'colonialism, social movements, political theory, Latin America, and race and racism' according to an online biography.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Drexel should find some way to fire this shit-for-brains jerk! And since this worthless piece of shit is currently teaching in Mexico, ICE should find a way to keep him from reentering the USA!

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