Friday, July 22, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Pretty much, yes. I can’t say that I really blame him. Trump made some rather petty and nasty personal attacks against him and his wife, with damn little cause. However, Trump did win.

This morning there are reliable news reports that say the Trump people did in fact have an advance copy of Cruz’s remarks and knew exactly what he was going to say. Trump walked into the arena exactly when it became clear that Cruz was not going to endorse Trump, and Cruz was essentially booed off the stage.

So, was this a really smooth play by Trump or a screw-up by Trump and the RNC? Hard to say right now. The only poll that matters will not take place for another 14 weeks.

Do you think the Dems and Hillary will let Bernie speak without knowing exactly what he will say and without demanding that he speak supportively of Hillary? I doubt it very much.

I still really think this election will be mostly decided by people voting AGAINST someone or something rather than the other way around. And we all have a lot riding on it. I personally have $5 riding on the election. And the future of the Republic of course.

Politics can be fun to watch at times. Scary sometimes, but amusing.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I really can’t blame Cruz for not endorsing Trump, his pledge notwithstanding. After all Trump shot his big mouth off, making the outrageous claim that Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy. Trump also attacked Cruz’s wife and denigrated her looks.

Instead of his “vote your conscience” crap, Cruz would have better served himself by calling on the Republicans to make sure Hillary is not elected president. That would have been sort of a Trump endorsement. Barring that, he should have stayed home like Gov. Kasich and Jeb Bush.

If Trump gets clobbered by the Hildebeast, Cruz might become a phoenix rising out of the GOP ashes in the next couple of years, but I doubt it.

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