Friday, September 25, 2015


While covering the Pope’s visit to the U.S., Matt Frei, Europe editor for Britain’s Channel 4 News, got the attention of the PC police when he said Obama “smiles like a split watermelon”

BarkGrowlBite | September 25, 2015

When will the Brits ever learn that they lost the American Revolution and that ever since we’ve been making our own rules, and they are far different from Europe’s. For instance, here it is verboten to mention watermelons in any sentence or paragraph in which an African-American is also mentioned because watermelons are considered to be a symbol of racism. There is no such rule in Europe.

Matt Frei is the Europe editor for Britain’s Channel 4 News. When Matt was making his Wednesday evening report on the papal visit to the U.S. he described President Obama as “smiling like a split watermelon” when he met the pope.

Here is what Frei said:

“And rarely have they received a guest who was so universally popular. In fact, as he smiled like a split watermelon, the President may have reflected on the fact that it is his guest who now wears the global mantle of hope and change.”

That got the swift attention of the PC police. Frei was subjected to an uber-barrage of criticism on social media.

Frei responded on Twitter by saying: “I apologize to those upset by my description of President Obama’s smile on tonight’s program. It was intended as an entirely innocent phrase that apparently has a history I simply wasn’t aware of. Honestly, no offense intended.”

Honestly? Matt, come on, don’t lie to us. Your bio on the Channel 4 website states: “Prior to his appointment as Europe Editor for Channel 4 News, Frei was the Washington Correspondent for two years and has reported on the Americas on everything from business and culture to US foreign policy and its view of the world.” He previously anchored the BBC World News America bulletin and was also Washington Correspondent.

So, don’t’ tell us that after spending a number of years in the U.S., you were not aware that watermelons and African-Americans don’t mix in print or on the air.

Apparently no Republicans were offended by Matt’s description of our president.

But here is something that should offend Republicans, Democrats and all Americans. Piers Morgan, a British left-wing TV personality who has been operating in the U.S. for a number of years, apparently never learned that you do not stick your thumb in the eye of a gracious host, which is exactly what he did. Commenting in a Daily Mail article on the Pope’s address to congress, Morgan wrote:

“America doesn’t have to be a country driven by gun-toting, blood-thirsty, planet-destroying bigots.”

I do not have any idea of where Morgan has been hanging out, but that’s not the America I live in. It’s time we send this ungrateful, insulting Brit packing!

Blood-thirsty? I am sure the asshole was referring to the death penalty. Morgan has been an outspoken opponent of capital punishment.

As for Obama’s smile, rather than a split watermelon, to me it’s more like Alfred E. Neuman’s smile on the cover of Mad magazine. No offense intended, Alfred!

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