Friday, September 4, 2015


Sam Houston State University student tweeted that Deputy Goforth deserved to be assassinated, as well as her support of ‘Black Lives Matter’

BaekGrowlBite | September 4, 2015

“I can’t believe so many people care about a dead cop and NO ONE has thought to ask what he did to deserve it. He had creepy perv eyes…”

Thus tweeted Sam Houston State University student Monica Foy shortly after Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth was shot 15 times by Shannon Miles. She also tweeted her support of ‘Black Lives Matter.’ Foy was subsequently arrested on an outstanding misdemeanor assault warrant.

Michael Barry is a Houston conservative radio talk show host. He received the following email from Monica Foy’s father:

I'm writing you because I'm finally able after being so sick to my stomach I could hardly breathe from the insensitive and stupid remark my daughter tweeted about the fallen officer. Our whole family is distraught and stupefied with embarrassment.

Yes, she's just a misguided college student that has flown off the handle with remarks that have had no forethought whatsoever and then later has had to choke on her words, but never like this. Quite frankly, I also feel some some relief that she was arrested to face her warrant once and for all.

Michael, I can tell you that it was a stupid mistake, and she tried to delete it as soon as she realized what she had done. Inexcusable? Absolutely!! And I might tell you that there WILL be an apology forthcoming soon to not only the family of the fallen officer, but to the police departments and general law abiding public.

I can honestly tell you that Monica respects the law and the officers. The arresting officers even commented on how polite and respectful she was (which is how she was brought up to be, not just because she was arrested). We had another officer out to the house yesterday because the of the death threats, not only towards Monica, but apparently it spread to the faculty members at N.T. Law School as well where her sister is a student and the school advised us to report the threats.

Jesus ... I can't find enough words to express how dismayed we are and the degree of remorse she's feeling right now. I think she's probably got the idea of how sick and despicable her tweet was.

Thank you for your radio show. I'm out on the road a lot and I listen to you almost every day. The only reason I haven't been to the RCC to meet you is 'cause I'm hardly ever down that way, but I hope to soon.

Seriously, WTF do you do when you get blind sided by a stupid move by a daughter who's caught up in all the strife of who's lives matter and mouths off in such a public way and then tries to retract it but it's gone viral ... but to sit her down, have a little educational talk (if you can catch my drift) and apologize profusely. I'm one distraught father right now.

Andrew J. Foy

Mr. Foy was also a guest Thursday morning on Michael Berry’s show. He repeatedly apologized for his daughter’s tweet. Foy said it was one thing to say something stupid at the dinner table where family members could set her straight, but it was another thing to say the same thing publicly.

It must have been hard for Foy to do this because I’m sure he loves his daughter even though some professor has turned her into a radical idiot.

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