Monday, June 22, 2020


Statues of George Washington, the Father Of Our Country, and Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration Of Independence, are regarded the same as Confederate statues which are considered “state-sponsored displays of racism.”

By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
June 21, 2020

On the eve of Juneteenth, protesters in Portland, Oregon toppled a statue of George Washington. They also covered the statue's head with the American flag and lit it on fire. "Fuck the Police" was spray painted on the statue's pedestal. There is no doubt that if they could, they would tear down the Washington Monument.

On June 14, they had torn down a statue of Thomas Jefferson outside his namesake high school in North Portland and pounded it with hammers.

In San Francisco protesters knocked over statues of Father Junipero Serra, Ulysses S. Grant and Francis Scott Key, and statues of Cervantes and Don Quixote were spray painted.

Friday night in Raleigh, Kaepernick's freedom fighters pulled down two bronze soldiers on the 75-foot Confederate monument at the state Capitol, then hung the statue of a cavalryman by its neck from a streetlight.

Earlier this month, a Christopher Columbus statue in Virginia was torn down and dumped in a lake.

In the last couple of weeks our country has been going to Hell in a hand basket, all because a white cop murdered a black career criminal. The BLM mob has taken control of our streets. For the most part the vilified police are just standing by as historical statues are being defaced and torn down.

On Thursday, a judge in Richmond, Virginia extended a 10 day injunction which blocked the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue. Gov. Ralph Northam, of blackface fame, had ordered the removal of the statue which was erected in 1890. Virginia’s Attorney General said that “state-sponsored displays of racism” should be removed.

What brought on the wrath against Washington and Jefferson? The were slave owners. And Columbus mistreated the indigenous people in Hispaniola.

Robert E. Lee was a slave owner and led the Confederate forces during the Civil war, but he was otherwise am honorable and decent man. Ulysses S. Grant, leader of the Union forces and later President of the U.S., was also a slave owner before the Civil War.

In 2016, well before the current insurrection, the Houston school board approved $1.24 million for the renaming of eight schools named after Confederate heroes. And now Mayor Sylvester turner is removing The Spirit of the Confederacy statue and the Dick Dowling statue, both of which are in Houston's Hermann Park.

When in 2017 the statues of Jefferson Davis and P.G.T. Beauregard were removed in New Orleans, my very liberal nephew who lives there shrugged his shoulders and said that 99 percent of the black people in the city had no idea who the statues represented. As far as they were concerned the statues were there for the pigeons to roost and shit on.

Now the House Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi want to rename the U.S. military bases which are named after the following Confederate generals:

P. G. T. Beauregard
Henry L. Benning
Braxton Bragg
John Brown Gordon
A.P. Hill
John Bell Hood
Robert E. Lee
George Pickett
Leonidas Polk
Edmund Rucker

Except for Lee, the vast majority of blacks don't have the foggiest idea of who they were. And most whites don't either.

A recent poll showed that 54 percent of Democrats favor paying blacks reparations for slavery. Joe Biden is in favor of paying slavery reparations to African Americans and Native Americans.

Last week the White Obama said: "If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. But why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff."

The murder of George Floyd shows we are in a race war that is demonizing our police officers. Cops feel like Vietnam veterans returning to a country that hates them.

Nearly three-fourths of the D.C. police officers said in a poll that they are considering leaving the force.

Patrick Lynch, president of the union that represents the rank and file of NYPD officers says: "Over the past few weeks, we have been attacked in the streets, demonized in the media and denigrated by practically every politician in this city. Now we are facing the possibility of being arrested any time we go out to do our job."

The destruction of statues, the renaming of schools, parks and military bases, and the demonizing of the police will not erase racism. In the end it will only perpetuate racism, further divide this once great country and leave more of us, both whites and people of color, as victims of lawbreakers.

The nation is nearing a state of complete rebellion. On the other end of the political spectrum, people are defying COVID-19 safety regulations by refusing to wear face masks and practice social distancing in order to show the government that it has no right to force them to do so.

Yes, many of us and some cops are racists. But do Americans really want the destruction of statues, the renaming of schools, parks and military bases, and the demonizing of the police? Do they favor casting George Washington and Thomas Jefferson into the trash heap of history? And do they want to erase Columbus from our history books? God help us if they do.

UPDATE 6-22-2020

Holy Shit!  Now the statue of Theodore Roosevelt will be removed from the entrance of NYC’s American Museum of Natural History.

The bronze statue depicted Teddy on horseback with an American Indian and a black man standing next to the horse.  It's been at the museum entrance since 1940.

New York’s Sandinista-loving Mayor Bill de Blasio explained that “The American Museum of Natural History has asked to remove the Theodore Roosevelt statue because it explicitly depicts Black and Indigenous people as subjugated and racially inferior.  It is the right decision and the right time to remove this problematic statue.”

I've seen this wonderful statue of Teddy several times, and it never even remotely crossed my mind that the black man and the Indian were subjugated and racially inferior.  De Blasio is a Texas blivot - 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag!  

America is sinking further and further into complete madness!

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