Friday, June 19, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Depending on who you ask a bad case of the dreaded Blue Flu may be making the rounds.  It allegedly started in Atlanta after the PD fired and the DA brought charges against an officer when there had not yet been anything even remotely resembling an investigation.  This lack of due process brought about either a modest increase in sick leave or a large increase in sick leave combined with on-duty officers declining to respond to calls.  Since the mayor's office at first said there was no problem, nothing happening, then finally admitted there was a modest amount of unusual sick calls which were being covered by overtime, I am inclined to believe that the mayor is a lying sack of shit and the police union is telling the truth.

This Blue Flu has maybe-possibly-allegedly spread to New York City.  

By the way, according to the Atlanta officer's lawyer, a Taser is a deadly weapon under Georgia law.  There have apparently been several instances of cops over the years shooting bad guys who got control of a Taser and indicated an intent to use it.  None have ever been prosecuted.  So, depending if the cop fired before, more or less simultaneous with or after the dead guy fired the Taser at him this whole incident could take on a whole new legal flavor.  

EDITOR'S NOTE; That "lying sack of shit" may become our president within a couple of years if Biden wins with her as his running mate. 

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