Friday, May 18, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Once upon a time, many years ago, when I lived in the Bay Area, a fair number of cars used to sport a bumper sticker that read "PRAY FOR ME, I DRIVE THE NIMITZ." The Nifty Nimitz freeway was an indifferently maintained high speed road, with mostly narrow shoulders and too many morons driving too fast. It used to be called Hwy 17 and is now designated the 880 freeway, at least thru the East Bay.

A 21-year old man, Dang Nguyen Hai Tran of San Jose, was believed to be stoned off his gord on weed when he killed a Manteca woman and her two young children as part of a five-car wreck. Five additional people were injured.

Way too many people seem to believe it is OK to drive stoned now that pot is semi-legal in the formerly great state of California. I understand there is now a reasonably accurate and reliable breathalyzer for THC, but there are no legal guidelines on what is or what is not a legally acceptable THC limit like there is on alcohol.

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