Saturday, May 19, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Alameda County is a decent size county covering much of the East Bay area in California. The county officials HATE guns, and hate people who own or want to own guns. They do their best to make it impossible for person who have the temerity to actually own guns to use them, and to make it impossible to buy new ones. Due to a combination of tax and zoning laws there are ZERO gun stores in Oakland and now unlikely to be any new ones anywhere in Alameda County.

A lawsuit by various 2A groups in the formerly great state of California against Alameda County finally wound it's way to SCOTUS. SCOTUS rejected it, stating, "No historical authority suggests that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to sell a firearm." That leaves the existing ruling form the notorious, psychotic 9th Circuit in place upholding the ordinance.

Various zoning laws, i.e. no new gun stores within 100,000 light years of a K-12 school, have made it functionally impossible to open a new gun store anywhere in unincorporated Alameda County and many of the cities in the county have similar fairly onerous laws to inhibit gun sales.

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