Friday, July 3, 2020



by Bob Walsh with apologies to Guy Fawkes

Remember, remember the third of November
The anarchist treason and plot
This is a fight that might never be over
There is still quite a lot of be fought

The crazy left-wingers, BLM and AntiFa
They want only to destroy and tear down 
They desire only power (along with some money)
For this goal they will (if they can) elect a clown

Senile Joe is their sock puppet, he says what they want
With AOC's arm clear up his ass
He doesn't know even what planet he's on
But he'll cover his disgusting son's ass

Abolish the cops, tear down the borders
Let all who want to come in
Let them all vote, give them all welfare
Give them free dope and free gin

Destroy our history, ignore our past
Throw out the good and the bad
Control what we say, then control what we think
Go along, or you get slammed real hard

Make sure you can't fight, take away all the guns
So you can not protect your own life
Destroy your hopes, destroy your dreams
Bury you with fear and with strife

When November Third comes the choice is quite simple
The choices are real and clear
Vote for a man that you maybe don't like

Or vote for a man who is so brain-burnt and morally bankrupt that he will allow his psycho friends to destroy our country to enact an insane vision of post-America because they hate their own country so much, and they hate their own countrymen so much, they would see it destroyed if they can.

Do you want your future to look like Seattle, or Detroit, or Baltimore?  Do you want your health care run by the DMV?  Do you want to have to recite the BLM mantra at a "checkpoint" to be allowed to drive down a public street?  If somebody is stomping in your front door who do you want to come, a cop or a social worker?  Do you want the 911 dispatcher to send help, or tell you that you should feel both fortunate and guilty that you owned something worth enough that somebody felt they were entitled to have it more than you were?

Elections matter.  Decisions are made by those who show up.  Good decisions are made by those who do not have their head up their ass.  Think.  Make your own decisions.  Don't let Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg tell you what you need to think, and say, and believe.  Don't believe all the bull being shoveled in your direction by most of the broadcast media.  Read.  Talk. Listen.  THINK. Vote.  Your future depends on it.  Elections have consequences.  Sometimes those consequences are very serious indeed.  

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