Thursday, July 2, 2020


by Bob Walsh

In just about four months voters, some of who are even legal voters, will decide the fate of the nation.  Unfortunately I suspect that is NOT hyperbole.  

If Trump looses the Republicans will also very likely lose the Senate as well.  The few honest-to-god mainstream democrats are being steamrollered by the left wing Democrat-Socialist-Marxist wing of the party.  Biden has already said that AOC is going to be in charge of his administration getting with the Green New Deal.  There goes energy independence.  Biden has already said that Robert Francis (Beto) O'Rourke, his favorite fake Mexican, will be in charge of Second Amendment policies.  Beto has said, up front, that HELL YES he is coming after your AR-15.  Biden has said that you don't need any firearm that can hold more than one cartridge at a time.  He will appoint liberal activist judges who believe that and are willing to legislate from the bench.

He will shitcan the Trump tax cuts and impose both new taxes and new regulations on pretty much everybody.  Businesses and business owners will pay thru the nose, which ultimately means that consumers will pay thru the nose.  His good buddies the ChiComs love him.  They have just essentially taken over local rule in Hong Kong in violation of treaty but Biden won't care because his son will be over there banging Chinese whores and taking money hand over fist.

This isn't a choice between Richard Nixon and John Kennedy.  Not any more.  This is a choice between in-your-face socialism and major league social engineering or not.  This is the choice between having a police force or not.  This is a choice between you being able to own a gun or not.  This is a choice between you being able to drive an F-150 or a Prius.  This is a choice between having your current health care system, which probably you like, or having health care that is equally shitty for everybody being run by the DMV.   This is a choice of you being able to send your rugrat to a private school or not.  This is a choice between you being able to think what you want, read what you want and say what you want, or being FORCED by a pseudo-government to parrot PC bullshit.  (Black Lives Matter is important and even mandatory.  All Lives Matter is heresy and to be punished promptly and violently.)

Close to 100 years ago Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf.  He said EXACTLY what he would do if he came into power.  He did come into power.  He did exactly what he said he was going to do.  BLM and AntiFa and Beto O'Rourke and AOC and Ilhan Omar and Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden think they have it in the bag.  They and their surrogates are saying what they intend to do WHEN they have the power to do so.  They are not being shy about it.  They are shouting it from the rooftops.  They are shouting it in your face when you go to the store.  They are shouting it into TV cameras every damn day.

Don't be a moron.  BELIEVE THEM.  They fucking mean it.

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