Thursday, April 4, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Right now Joe Bite-Me is the only person polling ahead of Crazy Bernie. Even though he isn't formally in the race yet. Now FOUR women have come forward to complain that Joe is more than a little bit too hand-on. He is, among other things, a hair sniffer and a nose rubber.

Is this sexual, is it a power play, or is it just Joe being Joe? Damned if I know. I do know that Crazy Bernie supporters would really like to see him president, they really think he can beat Trump and they believe (probably correctly) the best way for Bernie to edge out Joe is to make sure that Joe never jumps into the flaming dumpster that is the Democrap party nomination race.

Damn, the next 20 months are going to be amusing.

Three MORE women accuse Joe Biden of touching them inappropriately: Number of allegations against the former Vice President rises to SEVEN just hours after he promised to be more mindful of personal space

Daily Mail
April 3, 2019

Three more women have come forward claiming they were touched inappropriately by former Vice President Joe Biden soon after he promised to be 'much more mindful' of respecting personal space.

The women, Vail Kohnert-Yount, Sofie Karasek and Ally Coll, told the Washington Post late Wednesday about instances where they were made to feel uncomfortable when touched by Biden. It brings the total number of women who have spoken out publicly in recent days to seven.

Just hours before the latest allegations surfaced, Biden acknowledged in a Twitter video that his tendency toward physical displays of affection and encouragement has made some women uncomfortable.

Biden breaks his silence on Creepy Joe scandal to admit he HAS made women 'uncomfortable' and promises to respect 'personal space' but does NOT apologize for 'connecting with people'

Daily Mail
April 3, 2019

'I want to talk about gestures of support and encouragement that I've made to some women and some men and I've made them uncomfortable,' he said in a video posted on Twitter.

'I always try to be in my career, always tried to make a human connection. That's my responsibility, I think. I shake hands, I hug people. I grab men and women by the shoulders and say you can do this, whether they're women, men, young, old. It's the way I've always been and tried to show that I care about them and I'm listening,' he said.

'Get close enough to smell my hair and you may lose some teeth': Republican senator blasts Joe Biden over inappropriate touching allegations and says 'this is no country for creepy old men'

Daily Mail
April 4, 2019

'I've said this before, just because you're accused of something doesn't mean you're guilty of it,' John Kennedy of Louisiana said in remarks to reporters on Tuesday in the Senate office building.

'This is America and you do have a right to due process. On the other hand, this is no country for creepy old men,' he continued. 'It needs to stop,' Kennedy said.

'Do I think it's inappropriate to smell someone's hair? Yes! I mean, duh. You know, if somebody gets close enough to smell my hair, they may, you know, get to smell my hair but they may lose some teeth.'

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