Friday, October 19, 2018


by Bob Walsh

In two years an interesting ballot proposition that was passed two years ago allows thousands of "non-violent" third strikers to petition the court for release. This includes sex offenders.

It should be noted that there really is no such thing as a non-violent third striker. What happened was that a person with a history of violent offenses, including convictions for violent offenses, would be busted for pretty much ANY felony, like petty theft with a prior, possession of a firearm, resisting arrest with violence or mopery. This third felony would send him away for a bunch of years.

Governor Brown asserted at the time that this ballot initiative, which he pimped for, would NOT result in the release of dangerous criminals, specifically including sex offenders. Courts have said that the ballot initiative did NOT say that and the parole board must at least consider releasing these people. Prosecutors warned at the time that Proposition 57 would NOT be limited like Brown said. California liberal voters however drank the Kool-Aid and voted for it.

None of the potentially affected prisoners would be guaranteed release. It does, however, guarantee that they will be CONSIDERED for release.

A previous Three-Strikes modification approved by the voters kicked loose about 2,200 third strikers. The recidivism rate for this group was about 11% as compared to 45% for parolees as a whole.

Just goes to show you our current Governor and the members of the legislature who support this bullshit either do not know how to read, or do not give a shit. I am guessing on answer #2.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Kookfornia is in the Hug-a-Thug era. Will the rest of the states join in?

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