Monday, September 5, 2016


He never calls the cops, calls them ‘crazies’ and murderers, and says the police have become the new domestic terrorists

BarkGrowlBite | September 5, 2016

Some shit-for-brains using the name John Infoworld had some unkind – to put it mildly – things to say about crazies (cops) after reading a Newsweek article on the new American cop. Here is what the asshole wrote:

What sort of person is eager to take a job where they strap on an assortment of deadly weapons and ride around all day looking for people to use those weapons on?

The police have shown time and time again that they don't talk to people or try to reason with anyone.

It's drive up, get out of car with hand on gun, and go right to shooting, before you know who is the bad guy or what the whole situation is even about.

Shoot first and make up bullshit stories later, to justify it.

Until just recently, that was the standard procedure for police. Nobody ever questioned them. The dead bodies got cleaned up, and they went on to their next murder and nobody said a word about any of it.

We all saw the Minnesota shooting, right?

The victim is dying and what is the crazy doing?

Holding his gun on the female occupant, ready to shoot her dead, too. No help at all for the dying man, who was shot.

In fact, they decide to handcuff him, long after he is already dead.

For any of you crazies who still trust the police, this clearly shows exactly what you can expect.

Police ride around looking for people to kill. Men, women, and even children.

I would say that I have lost all faith in the police, but that would be a lie, because I never had any faith in them to begin with.

And, NO, I never call the crazies!

That makes about as much sense as calling a street gang-member for help!

Police have become the new domestic terrorists.

If it wasn't for their badges most of them would already be doing hard time for assault or murder or drug crimes.

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